Saturday, June 1, 2013

Your 401(k) From a Past Employer

Some of our New Direction IRA clients do not know that #401(k) plans from former employers can be rolled directly into a self-directed IRA.  If you currently have an IRA with us and funds are still in a former employer’s 401(k) plan, these funds can be rolled into your account and self-directed.  The good thing about rolling these funds directly into an IRA, this is technically called a 401k #roll over is that you will not be subject to the 20% #withholding which occurs when taking the funds as a distribution would cause.

In addition to 401(k) plans, #457 and #403(b) plans may also be rolled into a self-directed IRA.  Again, these plans must be from former employers in order to roll them over.  We frequently get the question “can I take 401(k) funds from my current employer and self-direct?”  The answer to this is nearly always no.  Under some rare circumstances these plans may provide “in service” distributions or you may be the trustee of the plan yourself and have the ability to change the plan, but this is rare.

Does your spouse have an old 401(k) plan?  Consider a self-directed account for your spouse to roll the these funds into and consider the partnering yours and your spouse’s IRA funds in a larger investment.   Take advantage of the investment power and economy of scale available in a larger investment.

Self-direction of your retirement plan provides flexibility and nearly endless choices of investments.  Maximizing your IRA through consolidation of old 401(k) plans, making your annual contributions and being vigilant regarding innovative investments will make your retirement years comfortable and fun if you have the money available.